Aug 29, 2018
Continuing from the last episode "Black on Audio Description" I present our interview with Denna Lambert. The modern day "Hidden Figures. Listen as we highlight her journey including lessons for those pursuing their own goals, advice for those in positions of power and the various ways aspects of identity intersect...
Aug 15, 2018
Continuing a discussion on my thoughts on Audio Description. This time it's really a conversation. I called a listener who sent me feedback regarding the episodes question. Why didn't Black Panther have a Black person narrating the description? Subscribe to the podcast: Apple Podcast, Google Play, Sound Cloud, Stitcher,...
Aug 1, 2018
Christine Ha (@theblindcook), winner of Fox's Master Chef in 2012 never set out to be a cook. In fact, as a young girl she had no interest in cooking at all. Hear all about how becoming Master Chef changed her life. Including launching her latest venture; The Blind Goat. A restaurant or Chef Station in a new Houston...